Title: Spiderman Far from Home (Complete Score)
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 47 · Total time: 104:48 min

Title: Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom 3 disc
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 73 · Total time: 163:45 min

Title: Spider-Man Homecoming R. sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 66 · Total time: 136:58 min

Title: Jupiter Ascending R. sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 37 · Total time: 125:23 min

Title: Dawn at the Planet of the Apes R. sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 47 · Total time: 154:56 min

Title: Doctor Strange 2 disc
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 50 · Total time: 130:13 min

Title: War for the Planet of the Apes (2 disc)
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 37 · Total time: 110:42 min

Title: SUPER 8 Rec. Sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 37 · Total time: 83 min

Title: Tomorrowland Rec. Sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 67 · Total time: 135:25 min

Title: Jurassic World Complete Score
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 55 · Total time: 126:11 min

Title: SW Rogue One Expanded Edition
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 33 · Total time: 95:52 min

Title: M.I. 4 Ghost Protcol Sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 47 · Total time: 145:27 min

Title: Star Trek  Into the Darkness Recording Sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 58 · Total time: 118:53 min

Title: Star Trek Recording Sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 64 · Total time: 134:37 min

Title: Ratatouille Recording Sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 50 · Total time: 79:50 min

Title: John Carter 2CD Recording Sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 58 · Total time: 138:59 min

Title: Mission Impossible 3 2CD Recording Sessions
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Tracks: 41 · Total time: 87:29 min